18. novembra 2017. godine u Master centru Novog Sada održan je simpozijum pod nazivom
Simpozijum je akreditovan od strane Zdravstvenog saveta pod brojem A-1-1719/17.
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The Serbian Association of Pain Research and Treatment (SAPRT) in cooperation with Serbian Medical Association Chapter, Novi Sad held an International Symposium »Modern trends in diagnosis and treatment of pain in degenerative rheumatic diseases “.
The Serbian Association of Pain Research and Treatment (SAPRT) held an International Symposium ” Modern trends in diagnosis and treatment of pain in degenerative rheumatic diseases “ in Novi Sad, Serbia, on the 18th of November.
We had the pleasure to invite the international speakers, from the Public Health Department College of Health Sciences at Qatar University, Prof. dr F. Hanna and dr M. Klopcic Spevak, PhD from University Rehabilitation Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia.
Serbian and international speakers explored the topics related to osteoarthritis pain such as epidemiology and pathophysiological aspects, evidence for central sensitization in patients with osteoarthritis pain, mechanisms of transition from acute to chronic pain, pharmacological approach and multimodal approaches in clinical practice. Prof dr Hanna F. presents lecture “An exercise and knee cartilage properties in healthy adult women in midlife”.
The education sessions included workshops where many interesting cases from the aspect of differential diagnostics, evaluation of patients using different scales, risk of application and interactions of various drugs, application of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment were presented. The concluding session focused on mistakes in the treatment of pain in case report design.
One of the workshops held by Prof. Dr F. Hanna from Doha (Qatar), was dedicated to education of professionals in a new approach “How do we influence patients behavior change on multiple-level interventions”.
Among the 170 participants were primary care physicians, physiatrists, rheumatologists, specialists in pain medicine. High attendance and mixed audience reflected a strong interest in osteoarthritis pain.
The symposium received support from the Health Council of Vojvodina, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Novi Sad and the Chamber of Economy of Vojvodina.
Professor Snežana Tomašević-Todorović,
The President of Serbian Association of Pain Research and Treatment (SAPRT)