Udruženje za Istraživanje i Tretman Bola Srbije (UITBS) je vodeća multidisciplinarna, profesionalna organizacija u domenu medicine bola u Srbiji. UITBS okuplja doktore medicine različitih specijalnosti, doktore stomatologije, psihologe, fizioterapeute, socijalne radnike, medicinske sestre i druge, koji imaju posebno interesovanje za dijagnostiku i tretman bola ili se bave istraživanjem bola. UITBS je osnovan 2006. godine u Novom Sadu i započeo svoje aktivnosti pod rukovodstvom osnivača i prvog predsednika Prof. Dr Miroslave Pjević, anesteziologa od 2006 do 2015. godine. UITBS je od 2007. godine stalni član i ogranak Međunaradne Asocijacije za bol (The International Association for the Study of Pain – IASP ) i Evropske Federacije za bol (European Pain Federation- EFIC). UITBS ima cilj da podigne nivo svesnosti i znanja o bolu, poboljša edukaciju zdravstvenih profesionalaca u vezi sa bolom, unapredi zbrinjavanje pacijenata, koji pate zbog bola i da služi kao autoritativan izvor pomoći u vezi sa politikom, koja je povezana sa bolom i njegovim zbrinjavanjem. Tokom desetak godina održano je preko dvadeset edukativnih seminara, stručnih sastanaka i simpozijuma koji su od 2007. godine podržavali aktuelne teme iz domena akutnog i hroničnog bola, kao i Svetsku godinu protiv bola (Global Year Against Pain-GYAP), a od 2012 i Evropsku godinu protiv bola (European Year Against Pain-EYAP). UITBS sastanci su održavani samostalno i u saradnji sa Medicinskim fakultetom Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, sekcijama DLV-SLD. Profesionalni linkovi su ostvareni sa nacionalnim društvima za bol iz regiona i evropskim i svetskim liderima za bol: S. Erdine (Turska), R.D. Treede, A. Kopf, M. Schafer, W. Meissner (Germany), N.Krcevski Škvarc (Slovenia), B.Morlion (Belgium), E. Kalso (Finland), C.Wells, B.Collet, F.Cervero (UK).
UITBS elektronski publikuje Bilten u kojem se objavljuju pregledni članci, opšte informacije koje se odnose na bol, glavne aktivnosti i inicijative, UITBS sastanci i simpozijumi.
Association for Research and Treatment of pain in Serbia (UITBS) is a leading multidisciplinary, professional organization in the field of pain medicine in Serbia. UITBS brings together doctors of medicine of various specialties, doctors of dentistry, psychologists, physiotherapists, social workers, nurses and others who are interested in pain diagnostic and treatment or pain research. UITBS was established in 2006 in Novi Sad and started its activities under the leadership of the founder and the first president anestesiologist Prof. Dr Miroslav Pjevic who was the leader of UITBS from 2006 to 2015. Since 2007 UITBS has been a permanent member and a branch of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) and the European Pain Federation (EFIC). The goal of UITBS is to raise the level of awareness and knowledge of pain, improve the education of health professionals in terms of pain, improve the care of patients suffering from pain and serve as an authoritative source for pain management. During the past ten years, over twenty educational seminars, professional meetings and symposiums have been held which have supported the current topics in the field of acute and chronic pain since 2007, as well as the Global Year Against Pain-GYAP and since 2012 the European Year Against Pain-EYAP. UITBS meetings were held independently and in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, DLV-SLD sections and supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Health. Professional links have been made with the national pain societies from the region and European and global pain leaders: S. Erdine (Turkey), R.D. Treede, A. Kopf, M. Schafer, W. Meissner (Germany), N.Krcevski Škvarc (Slovenia), B.Morlion (Belgium), E. Kalso (Finland), C.Wells, B.Collet, F.Cervero (UK). UITBS electronically publishes a newsletter which feartures review articles, general information relating to pain, main activities and initiatives, UITBS meetings and symposiums.